How to Build a Website

Someone on reddit asked me how to build a website so that they can then get their own site indexed here on Sex Worker Search.
I'm no expert on web design but I know someone who is.
Josey from Lovesudo is a web design genius. Highly recommended. Josey is honest, reliable, hard working and committed to helping sex workers to own personal websites.
She's obsessed with security and privacy and genuinely extremely invested in working to achieve goals that will benefit sex workers.
My thoughts on the subject, which I shared when asked in reddit =
Buying a domain name is easy enough. eg on namecheap.
Then you'll need hosting eg Digital Ocean and then you need a website eg by spinning up WordPress using Spinupwp.
Then choose a theme.
Then look at other people's sites and figure out what menu items, text and images you want eg by searching here on Sex Worker Search.
Do not let any webmaster or Web designer own your domain name or pay for your hosting on your behalf.
Buy the domain and hosting yourself and anonymise your details for domain ownership so people can't look you up with whois.
You don't want anyone else to own your site. You want to be able to easily fire and re-hire. Not have your site hijacked by someone who overcharges and or under delivers.
Make sure your website says at least which country you're in and preferably a state and city. Weirdly a lot of people forget to say where in the world they are on their websites. I recommend having your location in your site title and or tagline and meta description so it's top and centre of every page. Otherwise some clients will land, spend literally 2 seconds looking for your location, not find it and bounce to look at someone else's site instead.
Same for gallery, rates and contact details. If clients can't find these in 2 seconds, you're losing business from people who lose patience and bounce. So you don't want your rates to be called considerations or remuneration or anything other than "rates" and you don't want rates hidden halfway down some other page, you want a menu item clearly labelled "rates" which goes to a page which clearly states your rates.
If you have a blog page and you post unique content on there using the kind of words you want to rank for on Google and that content is appealing enough that people will read it from start to finish, then the more you post, the higher you will rank on Google and when you're page 1 for a term like "cuckolding male escort London" or whatever term describes you and or your niche services and your location, then you won't need directory ads any more and you can probably afford to set your rates way higher than someone who relies on directory ads alone.
Good luck! Let me know if/when you have your site if you want it indexed on Sex Worker Search.
Cover image thanks to Midjourney AI.