Guide to Bluesky for Sex Workers

I still haven't managed to get a response from Bluesky about whether all sex workers, including in person sex workers, are welcome on the Bluesky platform.
But for now, it does seem to be the best option for us.
This guide by Reddit user InGodWeTryst has a lot of great info for Sex Workers trying to promote via Bluesky.
I spoke with Mel and got permission to share the guide here.
The Oursky feed is a brilliant idea.
If you pin the feed, then every time you open Bluesky, just look for "Feeds" in the left sidebar. Click that and go to your Oursky feed. All the posts you see will be from genuine sex workers.
Or, you can see pages of posts from genuine sex workers in a specific geographical location using hashtags. Use the same hashtags in your own posts so you'll appear in these searches.
Regional Feeds (use these hashtags to appear in them):
— DateNortheast: #DateDMV, #DateBaltimore, #DatePhiladelphia, #DatePittsburgh, #DateAllentown, #DateHarrisburg, #DateScranton, #DateNewark, #DateJerseyCity, #DateTrenton, #DateAtlanticCity, #DateNewYork, #DateBuffalo, #DateRochester, #DateSyracuse, #DateAlbany, #DateBurlington, #DateStamford, #DateHartford, #DateBridgeport, #DateProvidence, #DateWorcester, #DateBoston, #DateManchester, #DateMaine, #DateBangor, #DateNYC, #DatePHL, #DatePIT, #DateBOS, #DateDC, #DateVT, #DateMD, #DatePA, #DateNJ, #DateVA, #DateNY, #DateCT, #DateRI, #DateMA, #DateNH, #DateNova
— DateSouth: #DateAtlanta, #DateCharlotte, #DateRaleigh, #DateGreensboro, #DateCharleston, #DateColumbia, #DateGreenville, #DateSavannah, #DateAugusta, #DateMacon, #DateAthens, #DateBirmingham, #DateMobile, #DateMontgomery, #DateHuntsville, #DateKnoxville, #DateChattanooga, #DateMemphis, #DateNashville, #DateLittleRock, #DateFayetteville, #DateLexington, #DateLouisville, #DateRichmond, #DateNorfolk, #DateHouston, #DateDallas, #DateAustin, #DateSanAntonio, #DateFortWorth, #DateElPaso, #DateATL, #DateCLT, #DateDFW, #DateATX, #DateMiami, #DateJacksonville, #DateTampa, #DateOrlando, #DateTulsa, #DateOKC, #DateMIA, #DateFLL, #DateFlorida, #DateNC, #DateFL, #DateOK, #DateTX, #DateVA, #DateKY, #DateTN, #DateAL, #DateAR, #DateSC, #DateGA
— DateCalifornia & Vegas: #DateLasVegas, #DateVegas, #DateLA, #DateOC, #DateLV, #DateNV, #DateLosAngeles, #DateSanFrancisco, #DateSanDiego, #DateSacramento, #DateSanJose, #DateFresno, #DateOakland, #DateLongBeach, #DateAnaheim, #DateBakersfield, #DateRiverside, #DateSantaAna, #DateIrvine, #DateStockton, #DateModesto, #DatePasadena, #DateSantaBarbara, #DateSantaMonica, #DateSanBernardino, #DateLAX, #DateSF, #DateSD, #DateLAS, #DateSJC, #DateOAK, #DateCA
— DateMidwest: #DateChicago, #DateIndianapolis, #DateDetroit, #DateColumbus, #DateCleveland, #DateCincinnati, #DateMilwaukee, #DateMinneapolis, #DateStPaul, #DateKansasCity, #DateStLouis, #DateOmaha, #DateDesMoines, #DateWichita, #DateToledo, #DateAkron, #DateGrandRapids, #DateSpringfield, #DateMadison, #DateMSP, #DateDET, #DateCHI, #DateIL, #DateIN, #DateMI, #DateOH, #DateWI, #DateMN, #DateMO, #DateNE, #DateIA, #DateKS
— DateWest: #DateSeattle, #DatePortland, #DatePhoenix, #DateSaltLakeCity, #DateReno, #DateSpokane, #DateBoise, #DateHonolulu, #DateAnchorage, #DateTucson, #DateFlagstaff, #DateSantaFe, #DateAlbuquerque, #DateCheyenne, #DateBillings, #DateFargo, #DateBismarck, #DateGrandForks, #DateHelena, #DateMissoula, #DateCasper, #DateRapidCity, #DateProvo, #DateSiouxFalls, #DateDavenport, #DateEvansville, #DateGreenBay, #DateND, #DateSD, #DateWA, #DateOR, #DateIA, #DateHI, #DateAK, #DateAZ, #DatePDX, #DateSEA, #DatePHX, #DatePNW
— DateColorado: #DateDenver, #DateBoulder, #DateColoradoSprings, #DateFortCollins, #DateAurora, #DateGrandJunction, #DatePueblo, #DateGreeley, #DateDurango, #DateVail, #DateAspen, #DateCastleRock, #DateLoveland, #DateSteamboatSprings, #DateDEN, #DateCO, #DateCOSprings
— DateCanada: #DateToronto, #DateVancouver, #DateMontreal, #DateCalgary, #DateEdmonton, #DateOttawa, #DateQuebecCity, #DateWinnipeg, #DateHalifax, #DateVictoria, #DateNanaimo, #DateKamloops, #DateKelowna, #DateSaskatoon, #DateRegina, #DateStJohns, #DateYYZ, #DateYVR, #DateYUL, #DateYYC, #DateYEG, #DateYOW, #DateYQB, #DateYWG, #DateYHZ, #DateYYJ, #DateYXE, #DateYQR, #DateYYT, #DateON, #DateBC, #DateQC, #DateAB, #DateNL, #DatePE, #DateNS, #DateNB, #DateMB, #DateSK, #DateYT, #DateNT, #DateNU
Starter Packs
Click "Follow All".
Most of them won't follow you back, or reply to comments, or messages, or return the favour if you like or repost something of theirs by doing the same for you. But some will.
Migrating Followers from Twitter and Instagram
I used Sky Follower Bridge to find out which of my followers on Twitter (X) and Instagram also have Bluesky accounts and to follow them all on Buesky with one click.
Here's a guide explaining how to find Bluesky users within your X followers list using the plugin.
Here's another guide explaining how to do the same thing for Instagram.
Real Sex Workers
If someone has made an effort to fill out their bio, they mention a geographical location and they have links to their personal website, verified ad and/or a linktree or similar, they're probably genuine.
I could still be a scammer impersonating a real sex worker.
The best way to verify is to click through to their website or link tree and check whether they link back to that same Bluesky account you came from.
Fake Sex Workers
If you go into your Bluesky notifications and see the people who have recently followed you, or just go into your followers list. It's automatically sorted by most recent first. You'll notice that a lot of the people following you appear at first glance to be sex workers.
If you look more closely at their profiles, many of them are allegedly Fin Doms or content creators but they have very generic looking (ie stolen or AI generated) images, minimal or no bio information, often they have no location mentioned and they either have no link to a personal website, verified ad or linktree or similar, or the only link they display is to some dodgy looking site you've never heard of.
Don't follow them back.
If you do, you'll just get spammed with messages from people trying to scam you in one way or another.
How to Promote Yourself on Bluesky
The entire point of Bluesky, or any kind of web presence, for sex workers is to be noticed by genuine, paying clients who will book an appointment, show up and pay.
Not everyone who sees your Bluesky posts will be a paying client but that's ok. It's just part of your overall web presence. The more people who see you online, the more business and income that web presence generates for you.
Quantity counts obviously so just post more. Also, quality. Post in a way that will be appealing to clients.
Post often.
Post professional pics, post selfies, post memes, post pictures of where you are on tour or on holidays or what glamorous or sexy items you've bought, what toys you're using in sessions. Post a selfie with your duo partner. Post links to your latest blog posts.
The more you post, the better.
Use the oursky hashtag and the location tags above.
Location, Location, Location
The quantity nor quality of your posts won't matter if nobody knows where in the world you are.
Top tip = say where you are.
Use the location hashtags above.
Say the name of your country and city in plain text.
Make sure it says where you are in your bio (and on your website and ads and everywhere else) top and centre where people can see it within a fraction of a second.
Announce your tour plans.
Tell people where you are and where you will be.
Add Content Warnings
When you post, click the "Label" link on the post editor. Select suggestive, nudity, adult content, or graphic media as appropriate.
Comment on Other Sex Workers Posts
Especially if they're in the same geographic location as you.
So go to one of those location hashtag feeds and comment on posts.
The clients looking at their posts will see your comment.
Some of them will click through to you and those clicks lead to $$$.
Respond to Comments
When other people comment on your posts, reply.
Welcome the attention.
Let people know you want to interact and you're happy to engage.
More engagement means more $$$.
Follow All Genuine Sex Workers Back
The more genuine sex workers you follow, the better.
Use those starter packs above.
If you can see someone is genuine, follow them.
Follow all the genuine sex workers in their followers and following lists and those who recently commented on their posts.
Some of them will follow you back.
More followers means more engagement means more $$$.
Follow For Follow
Welcome to make a follow for follow post on the /r/sexworkers subreddit.
I'm a moderator there.
I'll approve it.
If your a member of any other sex worker groups eg on Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal, Discord etc, make sure it's ok to post follow for follow there. Ask the admins or moderators if necessary. Then if it's ok, make a post with your bsky username saying you will follow back.
Return the Favour
If someone likes your post, or shares your post, or comments, then do the same for them. They're giving you free advertising. Show them you appreciate it and they might do it again in future. The more people who are willing to do this for you, the more $$$ you make.
Link to your Bluesky
Put a link to your Bluesky on your personal website, in your verified ads and on your link aggregator eg Linktree.